You can search for a specific article using the search engine, clicking on the magnifying glass icon, located at the top right. It will help you as much as possible to find the one you are looking for!

You can also search by Man, Woman or Kid, Sports, Brands (on mobile phones by clicking on the 3 lines at the top right).

When you find the item you were looking for, go to its file and select the size and color. Click the button where the price appears, and the item will be automatically added to your shopping cart.

You can make all the changes you want, such as: changing the quantity of an item or removing an item from your shopping cart.

If you want to process your order, click on PROCESS ORDER. On the next screen you will have to identify yourself:

  • If you are already registered, you just have to enter your email and password, your personal data is already registered in our database.
  • If you are a new client, click on CREATE AN ACCOUNT and fill out your information: name, surname, email, password.

Before SAVING, you will need to accept Customer Data Privacy, and you have the option to subscribe to our Newsletter.

On the next screen, you will have to indicate your delivery address, and your billing address if it is different.

In the last step, you need to choose the payment method. Once placed, you will receive a Order summary of your order by email.

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